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Home Tour Packages Leh Holiday Package
  • Leh Holiday Package
  • Leh Holiday Package
  • Leh Holiday Package
  • Leh Holiday Package

Duration : 5 Nights / 6 Days

Destination Covered : Leh Ladakh, Nubra

Tour Activities : Adventure

Tour Themes : Hill Stations & Valleys, Family & Group Tours, Luxury Tours, Honeymoon & Romantic Tours, Women Friendly Tours


Per Person

* Mentioned prices may vary depending upon date of travel, hotel availability, surge pricing and seasonal rush.

Leh Ladakh and Nubra Tour Itinerary

Day 1
Uponarrivalyouwillbetransferredtoyourhotelforcheck-in.YouwouldtakealittletimetosettleinandacclimatizesinceyouhavegonefromarelativelylowelevationinNewDelhitoover11,000feet!Lehislocatedat3500mabovesealevelandsomepeoplecanfeeldiscomfortduetorarekedairatthishighaltitude.Thisiswhyitismandatorytoacclimatisefullybeforebeginninganysightseeingorexploration in Leh. This magnikcent destination is framed by the Himalayan ranges and offer stunning vistas of barren landscapes thatareaphotographer’sdelight.Thestarklandisdottedwithbeautifulmonasteriesandstupas.Bustlingoldtownswiththeirmarkets,souvenirshopsandcafesaredelightfultoexplore.
Day 2
Afterbreakfastatthehotel,youwilldrivedownstreamalongRiverIndusontheLeh-KargilHighway.Beginyoursightseeingwithavisitto the Hall of Fame - a museum constructed by Indian Army in honour and memory of the fallen soldiers in the different wars fought inthisregion.Itisachillingtestimonyofthebraveheroeswhodefendthenation,andamust-visitforeveryIndian.
On your way to the Magnetic Hill, stop and marvel at the famous confluence of Indus and Zanskar rivers. It is a fascinating place whereyoucanseethetwocoloursoftheriversmergeintoone.Next,youwillproceedtotheAlchiGompa.Thecomplexoftempleslocatedwithin the village is the most celebrated of Ladakh’s monasteries and they date back to the 11th century. It is one of the oldest Buddhistlearningcentresinthisregionandhasexquisiteartwork,woodencarvingsandBuddhiststatueswithinitscomplex.

Day 3
Afterbreakfastatthehotel,youwilldrivetoNubraValley.YourdrivethroughbreathtakingmountainsalsopassesoverKhardungLa,located at a height of 18390 feet / 5602 metres above sea level. This is the highest motorable road in the world. From the pass you canget an unbroken view of the Indus valley all they way to the majestic peaks of the Zanskar range in the south and the giant sentinel-likeridgesofSaserMassifinthenorth.
Continue your journey to Nubra Valley nestled between the Karakoram and Ladakh ranges of the Himalayas. It is also known as“Ldumra” or “Valley of Flowers” and was once a prosperous centre on the trans-Himalayan Silk Route. This quaint valley and itssettlementsarelocatedatanaverageheightof10000feetabovesealevel.Cheerfulprayerflagsflutteringhighonthehills,BuddhistmonasteriesandkeldsofbarleygreetyouasyouenterNubraValley.Proceedtocheck-intoyourhotel/camp.
Rest of the day is at leisure for independent activities. You can walk around the tiny villages near your hotel / camp to get a glimpse ofthelivesoflocalpeople.
Day 4
Afteranearlybreakfastatthehotel/camp,youwillcheckout&drivetowardsHunderpastanareaofsanddunesandgetaquintedwiththe famous Bactrian camels. This small population of shaggy double-humped animals, which in the old days, were used as pack animalsontheCentralAsiantraderoutesarenowusedasridinganimalsinthehighdeserts.WhilereturningwevisitthecharmingvalleyofDeskit-thetinycapitalofNubra.Thecapitalismarkedbyasinglekleofshopsthatareputuponthemainroad.
FromDeskitwewilldrivetowardsPangongLake.ThedrivewilltakeyouviaAghamandShyokValley.Yourjourneywilltakeyouthroughrough patches of roads with tough driving conditions. However, the unparalleled views that await you on your journey makes it all worththepains.
Day 5
After breakfast at the hotel / camp, the morning is at leisure when you can explore the ethereal beauty of the Pangong Lake. After youhavespentenoughtimetoadmireitsotherworldlysplendour,youwilldrivebacktoLehviatheChanglaPass.TheChanglaPassislocatedataheightof5848metresabovesealevelandoffersstunningviewsofthevalleybelow.Youwillalsostopen-routeattheHemisGompa,ThikseyMonastery,SheyPalaceandDrukPadmaKarpoSchool(Rancho’sschoolfrom3Idiots).
TheHemisGumpaorMonasteryisboththebiggestandmostimportantmonasteryinLadakh.ItishighlyreveredbyBuddhistsfromaround the world. The famous Hemis Festival is held at this monastery. It also houses impressive gold statues and stupas bedecked withpreciousstones.
Drive5kmsalongthepicturesquelandscapetoreachSheyPalaceorSheyMonasterywhichwastheancientcapitalofLadakh.Thecomplexisalsobuiltintiersandoffersabreathtakingpanoramicviewofthevalleybelow.ThegildedstatueofBuddhaasShakyamuniisthe main attraction of this monastery / palace. There are also many murals depicting scenes from the life of Buddha within themonastery.
Day 6
Haveyourbreakfastathotel&laterpackyourbags,astodaywehavetocheckoutfromthehotel.Youwillbetransferredtotheairportfor boarding your return flight to Delhi. Bid adieu to the magical land of Ladakh with fond memories of picture-perfect sceneries &breathtakingarchitecture.

More Details about Leh Ladakh and Nubra Tour


  • MAP (Room + Breakfast + Lunch/Dinner)
  • Hotel
  • Sightseeing
  • Transfers
  • Pickup-Drop
  • Private Cab
  • Welcome Drink
  • Accommodation
  • Veg Meals
  • ✔EconomyClassReturnAirfareonIndiGoAirlines(Delhi-Leh-Delhi)
  • ✔3NightsAccommodationinLeh
  • ✔1NightAccommodationinNubraValley
  • ✔1NightAccommodationinPangong
  • ✔5BuffetBreakfast&5ComplimentaryDinners(KindlychecktheTimings&VenuefromtheHotel)
  • ✔Sightseeingtours(asmentionedintheItinerary)
  • ✔Airporttransfers
  • ✔Alltours&transfersonSeatinCoach(Shared)basis
  • ✔Inner-linepermits&Environmentalfees
  • ✔AllPresentlyapplicableHotel&Airlinetaxes
  • ✔ShouldtherebeanyfurtherlevyofGovt./statutorytaxesorcharges,thesameshallbechargeableextraasandwhenapplicable


  • ✖EntranceFee,CameraFee,Guidecharges,etc.tobePaiddirectlybytheGuestduringSightseeingtours
  • ✖Itemsofpersonalnaturelikelaundry,telephonecalls,roomservicecharges,softdrinksandharddrinkcharges,recreationalactivities,etc.
  • ✖AnyServicenotmentionedinInclusions
  • ✖Thepaymentsforadditionalservicestakenatthehotelaretobesettleddirectlyatthehotel
  • ✖AnyexpensesincurredduetoMedicalemergencies,Cancellationofflights,Changesinflighttimings,unexpectedlockdown,Naturalcalamity,Civilunrest,landslides,roadblockage,politicaldisturbances(strikes),etc.
  • ✖SurchargesExtra(ifapplicable)onLongWeekends&Holidays

Payments Terms

  • * 40% Advance Percentage of total booking amount
  • * Airfare/Transport fare to be paid full at one time in advance.

Price & Rates

No of pax Age Limit Price per pax (Rs)
No of pax Adult Age Limit Price per pax (Rs) INR 45999 / Adult ( With Tax )

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • * Upon cancellation, refund will be made after deducting the Retention Amount.
  • * Retention Amount varies as per the number of days left before your package start date.
  • * Refund will be made within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the cancellation.
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